Monday, January 2, 2012

Getting Back on Track

Today is the official end of our holiday vacation; No more overindulging on yummy food and time to get ready for what lies ahead in 2012. I went to my first spin class on the new year. We went to the NEX to buy Hubs undershirts, socks, and boxers for deployment. Went to GNC to stock up on work-out supplements for him as well to make sure he has enough to last until I can send care packages. I made a "honey-do" list a while back and he is slowly crossing things off that list. All of these preparations just remind me that he'll be leaving soon and not only do I need to keep physically preparing, I need to mentally too. Last time, I just pretended that he wasn't leaving. Then after the ship left I just pretended he was on an underway and that slowly turned into me adjusting to him being gone. This time it won't be so easy though because Little Miss notices when Daddy is away.

My plan is to spend quality time with Hubs when we have the chance, but keeping that balance where it doesn't feel like I am smothering him. Because when that happens I get angry, he gets angry, so we are both pissed off and we end up spending our time mad at one another. I have to allow him to have his time to himself (since Lord knows he won't have much of that on the ship!) to play video games or watch the History channel. He does that while I am facebook stalking or cooking or cleaning so it is not like I am standing idly by waiting for his attention.

For me, the hardest thing has been disconnecting from my phones, the computer, and the millions of other things that keep me occupied. I have to make the time for him as well, I've gotten accustomed to doing my own thing on my own schedule. I will admit it bothers me that I have to drop whatever I am doing whenever Hubs has the time for me; that I have to work around his schedule. But it is totally unrealistic of me to expect my schedule and the ship's schedule to coincide. What kind of LaLa Land am I dreaming of, right? This is just one of those sacrifices I have to make, not that I am happy about it one bit. But being pouty and pissed off isn't going to change the situation. In fact, it will only be a bigger waste of time.

 Other than gathering deployment essentials, I started back on track with healthier eating. I definitely indulged during the holidays. I like to eat healthy 80% of the time and as long as I make it to the gym often this doesn't present a problem. I am a huge fan of the Lean Shakes from GNC. They are so yummy, I use them as a meal when I am eating 5 small meals a day otherwise they are a snack. I also picked up the Lean Bars, I love having one in my purse at all times. When I am on the go and suddenly realize I am hungry and home is no where in sight, the bars are a good meal replacement for me so my blood sugar doesn't get too low. What I like best is both of these actually fill me up, especially when I eat a piece of fruit too. I don't feel famished and they don't have any ingredients that make me jittery. They aren't too expensive either when I catch them on sale!

What did you do today to prepare for what is coming in the year ahead?

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